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Leadership Qualities - aka Procrastination?!

Some days there is a whole lot of lacka wanna around these parts.  Today is one of those days.  I’ve been putting off writing blog posts about seedlings, permaculture/forest gardens, Colonial drinks, herbal skin balms, and life on a sometimes-floundering farm.  There are ashes to be spread on fruit trees and future vegetable gardens.  There are containers to be cleaned for seedlings.  I should check on the “expecting” sheep.  Minus the writing, all those things will happen today, however, some winter days require sitting with animals, reading, and daydreaming first. 

Rather than getting stressed about all the things that are not getting accomplished, I'm going to choose to believe that we all need procrastination days to make us more productive and happier humans. Others think so too:

If you’re curious about what I am reading:

The Worldly Philosophers by Robert L. Heilbroner

The Scythe Book by David Tresemer

Creating a Forest Garden by Martin Crawford

Forgotten Drinks of Colonial New England by Corin Hirsch

Like the inside creatures today, outside the gardens continue to sleep -

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Feb 14

Creating a Forest Garden by Martin Crawford

Forgotten Drinks of Colonial New England by Corin Hirsch

These sound interesting! Max

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